1. But this phase of our development is now finished.

2. Balanced at the edge of a narrow white platform, I am about to jump head first into a hot new phase of Japan's leisure boom: indoor sky diving, without a parachute.

3. The lock opened with a click.

4. The idea of colonising Mars----a world 160 times more distant than the Moon----will move decisively from the second phase to the third, when a significant number of people are living permanently in space.
    如果有相当数量的人永久性地住在太空,征服火星的计划 -- 一个比月球远160倍的星球 -- 就可以明确地从第2阶段进入第3阶段。

5. He tried upon the lock, but each attempt proved abortive.
    他企图把锁撬开, 但一次一次都失败了。

6. "Take her away to the red room and lock her in," she said.

7. Luckily her disease was discovered in an early phase.
    幸运的是, 她的病在早期就被发现了。

8. I fogot to lock the door.

9. I heard the lock click. Another woman had a huge, peculiar animal in her yard.

10. I have confronted an attacker in my imagination, not in reality. A man is walking down the street. I lock my car and walk to my apartment with my key ready.